We are thrilled to have played a part in the recovery of Sumatran orangutan Puspa from the Adelaide Zoo. Puspa recently had an operation to remove gallstones.
46-year-old Puspa was in good hands on the operating table with a fantastic veterinarian team and experts from Flinders Medical Centre, the Royal Adelaide Hospital and Flinders Private Hospital, who volunteered their time to perform the surgery.
To support Puspa’s procedure, we donated our Innovex single-use scope. The Endotherapeutics Innovex scopes solution incorporates a range of single-use, high-resolution digital flexible scopes and a reusable digital video processor.
“… the procedure was greatly enhanced by the use of a high tech videoscope, made available to us by Endotherapeutics Pty Ltd, to allow detailed exploration of the bile duct.” said Dr John Chen.
In total, the surgeons removed nine sizeable gallstones and Puspa’s gallbladder. Puspa has recovered very well since the surgery under the watchful eye of her keepers.
Read more here: bit.ly/3u1Ya7q
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